1940 – April – Tangmere

2 Responses to 1940 – April – Tangmere

  1. James Ivers says:

    Per Squadron ORB. On 16th January (1941) 801276 Flight Sergeant Harnden G.H. NCO i/c “B” Flight was decorated with the Medal of the British Empire by His Majesty the King at R.A.F. station Duxford.

  2. Troy Smith says:

    Ran across your site via the 601 Squadron website, which I found searching upinformation about a 601 Sq Hurricane that crashed near Lewes.
    I’m personally interested in the aircraft side, and as modeller, particularly in camouflage and markings.
    I noted with interest in the photo Tangmere April 40 – Photo 4

    Tangmere April 40 – Photo 5

    that the individual aircraft code letter, A, (as in UF – A) is repeated on the front wing root, and it has added either side a small M and X, making it MAX, so I asssume this is the personal aircraft of http://www.601squadron.com/max-aitken.html

    Another interesting feature is the winged sword emblem under the nose.

    Tangmere April 40 – Photo 4

    as well as the repeat of the code letter ‘H’ again.
    more shots from the same time are found here of different squadron aircraft, Z, Y, T, O.

    At a later stage in the Battle of Britain, probaly July, 601 had a unique marking for Fighter Command, as it’s spiiners.which were painted in red, white , blue stripes
    this example

    “Hurricane Mk I UF-S was flown by F/L Michael L “Mickey” Robinson on 16 August, the day he joined No 601 Squadron RAF ”

    has an red lightning stripe down the side! Note,due to a filter the blues appear pale and the red dark.
    There are a few other shots of 601 Sq Hurricanes where the striped spinner is visible.
    there is a scanned monograph on Hurricane camoflage and markings here

    the series of markings changes in 1940 make it useful for dating photographs even if the details of markings are of less interest.

    Hope of interest, and thank you for posting the fascinating photographs.

    best wishes

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